Summer Camps

Engineering Camp is a program for 3rd to 8th grade students, offering an exciting engineering experience led by the award-winning Spectre Robotics team!

Elementry Session:

Middle School Session:

Time: To Be Determined

Price: To be determined

Location: Suncoast Polytechnical High School

Please bring your own lunch and snacks.

For Middle and Elementary 

Registry Unavailable

Robotics Camp

Campers will learn about the engineering design process while making custom robots to compete in a fun head-to-head competition! They will design, build, and program their own robots with help from Spectre members. 

Engineering Camp

Campers will learn manufacturing and design processes including laser-cutting and engraving, 3d printing, CAD design, and electronics. With these skills, campers will make take-home personalized projects, compete in engineering challenges, and have time to work on other projects of their choice.