About Team 8753

Team 8753, Spectre Robotics, is a group of students at Suncoast Polytechnical High School (SPHS), a magnet high school in Sarasota County. Students meet after school to prepare to compete in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition (FRC). FRC is a robotics competition in which students have just 6 weeks to design, build, wire, and program a robot to complete a challenge. When the six-week building period has ended, the team will compete in a regional competition with the goal of traveling to the world competition. 

Spectre is a new(ish) team, founded in 2021. The team was founded to accommodate a growing interest in competitive robotics among a diverse group of students at SPHS. First Robotics Competition provides unique opportunities for students to develop and strengthen both technical skills and "soft skills" required for success in the workforce by giving participants creative freedom and encouraging marketing, business, and outreach. 

​Currently, Spectre consists of 50 students at SPHS. Some of these students have competed previously in VEX IQ and VRC (other competitive robotics programs), but many are first-time participants. The team welcomes students with a wide variety of backgrounds, allowing them to explore their interests while collaborating as a team. Students come from a number of CTE - Career and Technical Education focus areas -  including Engineering and Robotics, AGS (Animation, Gaming, and Simulation), Business Technology, and Healthcare. Team members not only contribute the specialized skills and perspectives they learn within their CTE, but are also able to explore skills outside of their CTE. We are very excited by the diversity in skills, backgrounds, and perspectives that all of our team members bring with them.