Support Us!

Become a partner!

To donate online, select the desired partnership level and input the amount. Contact us to organize sponsorship or donor benefits.

The students on our team will gratefully accept any contribution, financial or in-kind, your company could provide to support our goal of success at local and world competitions.

Contact us to discuss in-kind donation possibilities. 

Or, make a check out to Suncoast Polytechnical High School with Spectre Robotics on the memo or info line. Checks should be delivered either to a team coach or to Sally Williams at the SPHS front office.

Other Ways to Support Us:


We welcome anyone knowledgeable and interested in working with the team to contact us!

Partner Benefits*

Titanium Partner: $5,000+

Platinum Partner: $3,000+

Gold Partner: $2,000+

Silver Partner: $1,000+

Bronze Partner: $500+

Spectre Partner: $50+

*Other requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with possible tier price modifications.

Contact our Team

Team Email:

Coach Email:

Team Phone:

Mailing Address: